Real Stories
19 May 2024

“It was his way of saying Thank You”

Real Stories
19 May 2024

CancerCare has received a very special gift, included in the Will of the late, Phil Hewson from Penny Bridge, Near Ulverston, who sadly died aged 61 in August last year.

A long-time car enthusiast, when Phil received a terminal cancer diagnosis, he decided that, when the time came, the proceeds from the sale his most-treasured vehicle - a Mercedez-Benz SLC - should be shared between two local charities; CancerCare and St. Mary’s Hospice.

Phil’s wife, Lyn, says “He always loved cars – he’d owned over 60 in his lifetime - but this is the car he always wanted. Unfortunately, as his health started to deteriorate, he didn’t have many opportunities to enjoy driving it, but he was very clear about what he wanted to happen to it.

I think this was his way of saying thank you to two local organisations that helped him. He knew he wasn’t going to be around to verbally say thank you, so he included this gift in his Will.”

Phil and Lyn both received counselling at CancerCare’s Duke Street centre in Barrow.

“Phil was sceptical at first. He’d always been a proud independent man, but it helped us both to be able to talk to someone about how we were feeling. It’s sometimes hard to let everything out because you don’t want to upset each other”.

Phil found out he had cancer on his 60th birthday: but was told just over a year later that it had spread to his lungs, ribs and spine, meaning that there was no more that doctors could do. “He was very driven and always had a goal in mind that he was focused on. I could see the turmoil he went through knowing that this time, his determination wasn’t going to get him through”

“He always said he felt relaxed at CancerCare and that it was a nice place to come. He liked that it wasn’t like sitting in a doctor’s waiting room like all his other appointments because it felt friendly and welcoming.”

Lyn hopes that Phil will be remembered for his sense of humour and kindness. “He put a smile on my face everyday. We wanted to spend the rest of our lives together, growing old together, but cancer had other plans.

He supported charities throughout his life, quietly giving to causes he cared about, without making a fuss. We are lucky to have these smaller, local charities, but you don’t necessarily think of them until you unfortunately need them”

“Phil knew that every penny matters to CancerCare, and knew the difference his donation will make to the next person who needs their help, even if he won’t be around to see it”


When you include a gift in your Will to CancerCare, you help to ensure that no-one in our local community will ever have to face cancer or bereavement alone. Every gift in every Will makes a difference and, whether you give 1% or 50% of your estate, your gift will mean future generations across North Lancashire & South Cumbria can always turn to us for support.

For more information about including a gift to CancerCare in your Will, visit or contact Anna Webster on 01524 381 820 or email at  

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