Cancer support for families

Chances are, you won’t be the only one that is struggling. We are here to offer cancer support for families, too.

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The strength to step forward.
Family members 2098x1119

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Cancer support for families

A cancer diagnosis is not only devastating to the person with the disease but it can also have a profound effect on their family members.

From initial diagnosis to the arduous phases of the treatment process. The family will often experience emotional distress and anxiety that they will find difficult to cope with while trying “be strong” and put on a brave face.

Similarly with bereavement, the emotional aftershock can be felt throughout the family left behind for many months.

We extend all our therapies to family members and endeavour to encourage them seek help even when they think they might not need it.

Positive mental health of in a family member is not only good for them but can also make them better able to provide the best support they can to the person in their life that needs it.