Useful Links

At CancerCare we work with health professionals and like-minded charities across the region enable us to signpost people to exactly the the right help that they need.
The following organisations may be of use:
Age UK https://www.ageuk.org.uk/
Citizens Advice https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/
Macmillan https://www.macmillan.org.uk/
Trussell Trust (local foodbanks) https://www.trusselltrust.org/
St Marys Hospice https://www.stmaryshospice.org.uk/contact-us/
St Johns Hospice https://www.sjhospice.org.uk/
Birchall trust (Rape and sexual abuse counselling service) https://www.birchalltrust.org.uk/
Inspire drug and alcohol abuse support https://inspirenorthlancs.org.uk/
The Well Communities ( Addiction Rehabilitation services) https://www.thewellcommunities.co.uk/
Carer Support South Lakes https://www.carersupportsouthlakes.org.uk/
CADS (Alcohol and Drug advisory service) https://cadas.co.uk/
UHMBT (University Hospitals Morecambe Bay Trust) https://www.uhmb.nhs.uk/
Women’s community matters charity ( Barrow) http://www.womenscommunitymatters.org/
Wise Guy’s (Morecambe- Men and boy’s training in health) https://wiseguys.training/
Furness Carers (support for unpaid carers) https://www.furnesscarers.co.uk/
Lancashire unpaid carers service N- Compass https://www.n-compass.org.uk/our-services/carers/the-lancashire-carers-service
Lancaster and district homeless action https://www.ldhas.org.uk/
Red Rose Recovery (Addiction support across the Bay footprint) https://redroserecovery.org.uk/
Young people’s addiction support- Lancashire https://www.wearewithyou.org.uk/services/lancashire-for-young-people-lancaster/
The Loss Foundation https://thelossfoundation.org/