Real Stories
30 September 2024

'Everything in my life was getting out of perspective': healing health anxiety through hypnotherapy

Real Stories
30 September 2024

One of the more unexpected effects of undergoing treatment for a cancer diagnosis is the health anxiety that can remain with a survivor even after being given the all clear.

Lousie Barker was diagnosed with skin cancer 10 years ago and while she made a full recovery, she has experienced significant health anxiety since. The reoccurring fear of cancer returning coupled with illness in the family and personal challenges led to Louise feeling out of control.

“Everything in my life was getting out of perspective, so I went to see my GP who automatically suggested anti-depressants, something I didn’t want to do,” said Louise. “I reached out for some therapy, and I saw a lovely lady who suggested I approach CancerCare for some further support. As I’d had cancer a long time ago, I wondered if I would be able to access the free services, but I soon realised I could, and I was able to self-refer, too.”

Louise had an initial phone call with a CancerCare assessor before hypnotherapist Anne Marie got in touch.

“It only took about eight weeks until I had my first consultation scheduled with Anne Marie,” Louise added. “We initially met in Lancaster, though I did my eight sessions on Zoom. I decided to go for hypnotherapy as I didn’t feel like sitting and talking would help me at this stage; I needed practical ways to make things better, and I was willing to try anything.”

Louise was initially sceptical about beginning hypnotherapy, as she explained: “I didn’t really know what to expect but I did think it was going to be a bit bizarre. Anne Marie was quick to reassume me, though. The sessions began with Anne Marie talking to me, with the last 15 minutes being the actual hypnotherapy bit, which felt more like a deep meditation. After the first two sessions I didn’t feel any different, but Anne Marie said that you can’t just expect it to magically cure you, you must meet her halfway and do other things in your life you’ve been putting off. Personally, I started running again, meeting friends and getting out with the dog more.”

The support continued outside of the sessions, too.

Louise said: “Anne Marie gave me a recording to listen to when I could feel myself getting worried. For example, I don’t like flying so I used it when I went on holiday. My family were shocked at my response – I’m usually so nervous but I was very chilled and relaxed. Anne Marie was supportive and said if I was struggling I could reach out to her at any time.”

CancerCare’s experienced therapists can change the lives of those who use their services, as Anne Marie did for Louise:

“She was so calm, kind, open and non-judgmental, while also being very professional; it’s a hard balance to strike but she was perfect. She made me view the world a bit differently and went above and beyond for me. Anne Marie didn’t let me dwell on the negatives. She’d ask me to rate my days and instead of focusing on the bad things, she’d ask me to flip it and think of all the lovely and positive things in my life. She also talked in terms I could resonate with. Although things in life are still hard and I know struggles will come along, I feel better equipped to deal with them. I want everyone to know about hypnotherapy and the work CancerCare do."

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