Real Stories
18 April 2023

Bowel Cancer Awareness Month

“When your screening comes through the post just do it, even if you have no symptoms, like me, it could save your life. Don’t feel embarrassed,” said Harry.

Harry Jackson 1
Real Stories
18 April 2023

After a routine bowel cancer screening in September 2014, Harry Jackson received the news he never wanted to hear.

Initially, the results were inconclusive, and Harry had noticed no symptoms indicating cause for concern. However, within two weeks he was set for a colonoscopy in Kendal which revealed the presence of two tumours - one at stage 3.

A month later Harry underwent surgery to have his bowel removed which was followed by six months of chemotherapy.

Harry said: “I had no signs or symptoms of having bowel cancer. I was living my life as usual and working as a wagon driver. My previous two routine screenings came back clear so when my third one came back inconclusive, I didn’t know what to think.”

During Harry’s time in the hospital he met Lorraine Grisedale, a CancerCare Aromatherapist carrying out outreach work on the wards. She spoke to Harry about CancerCare and how he could benefit from aromatherapy massage.

After taking some time to think, Harry decided to come to CancerCare in the summer of 2016 for massage with Lorraine. He valued his therapy, describing it as a “relaxing space to not think.”

Harry is now one of our valued volunteer drivers which he says is his way of giving us something back after we supported him through a tough time in his life.

Harry also urged others to take advantage of routine bowel cancer screening

“When your screening comes through the post just do it, even if you have no symptoms, like me, it could save your life. Don’t feel embarrassed,” said Harry.

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