Latest News
06 July 2024

Supporting children and young people across the Bay

Latest News
06 July 2024

CancerCare support children and young people from the age of 3yrs to17yrs who have been affected by cancer, usually through the diagnosis of a close family member, or who have been bereaved through any reason.

We supported approximately 260 children last year across our 4 centres, which includes 228 children in 1-to-1 therapy and 58 children in group sessions.

Alongside our 1-to-1 therapy we organise group activities and peer support opportunities for young people aged 12yrs – 17yrs. The aim of this work is to have fun, enable young people who have experienced similar challenges in life to connect, reduce feelings of isolation and to break the taboos of talking about death, dying and cancer.

We support our school communities when there has been a sudden or unexpected death of a pupil, talking to friends and classmates, organising commemorative activities, and we take part in school health fairs and events that support the physical, emotional and mental wellbeing of children and young people.

If you would like more information about our children’s services please contact us on 01524 381820 or email

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