Real Stories
16 June 2021

Sue's Story

CancerCare support doesn’t stop when a client’s course of therapy comes to an end.

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Sue Gray Internal
Real Stories
16 June 2021

Sue Gray, 70, from Lancaster first came to us for therapy in 2012 when she was diagnosed with stage 3/4 breast cancer. Sue underwent mastectomy surgery after which she began to experience problems with lymphoedema, which results in the build-up of fluid and swelling, and she was referred to us for aromatherapy massage at the Kendal Centre with therapist Sandra Dacre.

Last year, almost nine years on, Sue began to experience pain and discomfort around the scars left by her surgery, and she once again approached us for help. This time Sue was referred for therapy with another of our specialists, Susannah Cogger.

“I always feel privileged to come to CancerCare. Everyone treats you like a person, you are never just a number. I always really look forward to my sessions and for me it feels very much like a form of emotional support, not just physical therapy,” said Sue.

Many CancerCare aromatherapists also offer simple lymphatic drainage, a form of massage that helps stimulate the lymphatic system and encourages the flow of lymph fluid. The client can be taught how to do this themselves at home.

“Undergoing breast cancer surgery is a huge thing for a woman and it is wonderful to be around people who understand what you are going through and are not bothered what you look like. Receiving therapy at CancerCare has been hugely important to my well-being especially after what has been a very difficult year for everybody,” said Sue.

CancerCare also recently supported Sue’s son James after his husband David died following his diagnosis for bowel cancer.

“I feel very lucky with the treatment I have had from the NHS and the support I received afterwards. When you have had cancer it never really leaves you. It is always in the back of your mind and it is wonderful knowing that CancerCare is there for people going through some really difficult times,” said Sue.

Around 93% of CancerCare’s work supporting local people is funded by people like you, who donate, fundraise or give a gift in their Will.

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