Latest News
28 February 2024

Shifting sands and helping hands

Latest News
28 February 2024

This year our wonderful supporters decided to go big and take part in an epic journey and raised over £15,000 for CancerCare. Seven of our staff, volunteers and trustees signed up to take part in a four-day trek across the Sahara Desert.

“It was bereavement that took me to CancerCare. Through the sadness, I have made some really special friends. The Sahara Trek was a great experience, challenging at times but so worth it.” – Michaela

Along the journey across the famous shifting sands and huge Chigaga Dunes, the brave trekkers saw sights they have never seen before. From endless sand dunes as far as the eye could see to the most breath-taking sunrises and sunsets, they all were all blown away by the absolute vastness of the desert.

“I took on this challenge to support a charity I am passionate about and as a trustee to encourage others to take part. It was tough, hot and sandy and I never want to see another tent but the scenery was spectacular and it was a privilege to share the experience with such a lovely group of ladies who all overcame their own difficulties to cross the finish line. A fantastic experience!” – Sue

On the first leg of the journey, the CancerCare seven set off travelling through the night to get to Marrakech. It was here where they met their guides and embarked on the long drive to Ouarzazate, where they enjoyed some delicious food together and got an early night ready to start the next journey over the Atlas Mountains towards the desert.

“I'm very proud of our group. I did the challenge for two people who lost their lives to a terrible illness. It was a big achievement, we had great company and made friends for life.” – Laura

Day two was an estimated 8km walk, with views of the stunning golden sands and bright blue skies, ending in the Bougharn Dunes. Towards the end of the day, one of the team was struggling with the difficulties of the journey and had fallen behind. However, trek guide Mustapha was there with her every step of the way, holding her hand and taking each step at her pace. The guides were a lifeline to the team, with their patient nature and knowledge of the desert helping to put them at ease while in such an unfamiliar landscape.

Setting off early the next day, the team trekked between 14 and 18km. The further they went the more difficult it became to judge the remaining distance due to the ever-shifting sands. They walked for seven long hours in the stifling heat, climbing dune after dune. As the sun set the group felt relieved to have reached the Nomad encampment. Here, they were able to experience the unique way of life lived by the locals at the Chigaga Dunes. They tasted some of their tasty Moroccan spiced teas and ate bread they had cooked on the ashes of the fires that were keeping them warm.

“A once in a lifetime experience that I really will never forget! The resilience that people found to keep going, keep smiling and keep on motivating one another is something that will always stay with me 😊” - Briony

On the fourth day of the trek, the team arose before sunrise, climbing the Chigaga Dunes in the twilight hours accompanied by the moon and the stars. Once they got to the top of the dune, they paused for a well-earned rest to watch the sunrise; this truly is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for most, and it was magnificent to witness.

“I had undertaken this trek as a challenge and adventure for myself and as a fundraiser for a charity that holds a special place in my heart. CancerCare reach out with a comforting, steadying hand when someone finds themselves in a very dark place.” - Tracey

Finally, on their last day trekking across the desert, the team finished the final 4km walk to Sidi Ab Nbi. After saying a fond farewell to the camels and the sands, they were transferred back to their hotel for a celebratory drink and meal before heading back home.

“For me, the challenge took me out of the rut I was in. Since returning home I've improved my diet, cut back on my caffeine intake and my sleep has improved massively. It had a really positive impact on my well-being and it was a great sense of achievement” - Ruth
“Stunning scenery and such vastness made it a once in a lifetime challenge but the icing on the cake was sharing this experience with an incredible group of women. An experience I will never forget.” – Alison

On behalf of our trekkers, we would like to thank everyone who has supported them, sent kind words of encouragement and donated towards the fantastic total.

The ladies did phenomenally well on their challenge, raising over £15,000 for CancerCare. An amount like this means so much to us; this fundraising could cover the cost to provide six-months of creative group sessions like woodwork, art and jewellery making. These groups are a lifeline to so many, providing local people affected by cancer or bereavement with a creative outlet and an opportunity to meet others facing similar experience.

If you have a fundraising idea, whether you’re planning a trek across a desert or sledding down a mountain, we want to hear to hear all about it! Get in touch by emailing us at

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