Latest News
14 January 2025

Margaret's story: Skin cancer survivor wins weekly Lottery

Latest News
14 January 2025

Margaret Brennan first signed up to play in the weekly lottery draw three years ago when she got chatting to a CancerCare team member while on a shopping trip in Kendal.

Margaret has personal experience of cancer; a few years ago, she was diagnosed with skin cancer. Margaret noticed a change in one of her moles and went to the doctor where she found out she had stage-one skin cancer.

“As my mother had a melanoma before, I was very in tune with what to look for and I instantly noticed the change,” Margaret said. “I met a lady from CancerCare in the shopping centre and we talked about the charity and what they offer. I was keen to support any charity that helps people who have had cancer. It’s such an insidious disease and it has been a big part of my life; both family members and I have had cancer, and I have close friends who have died from it.”

Margaret buys one ticket per week via direct debit.

“It’s not very much at all and I never notice it going out of my bank account,” she said.

Margaret received a £500 cheque in the post: “It was a very, very nice surprise. The only thing I’ve won prior to this was a bottle of champagne from a local priory!

“I play the lottery to support and add something back to the community, but the winnings were a very nice bonus,” Margaret continued. “I’ve been extremely fortunate that I was diagnosed at stage-one, but I know others aren’t as lucky. I know friends who have used CancerCare’s services and they couldn’t speak more highly of them; I know what a difference they make to people's lives."

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