Latest News
14 April 2024

Local MP goes the extra 14 miles for CancerCare

Latest News
14 April 2024

South Lakes MP Tim Farron took on the iconic Coniston 14 to fundraise for CancerCare. Tim recently got in touch with us and spoke to South Lakes Fundraiser, Lisa, about his challenge. Tim sustained a knee injury earlier this year and this was his first running event in five months! Showing real dedication, he trained for the run and complete it in a brilliant time of 2 hours and 11 minutes.

The Coniston 14 takes place every year at the end of March, attracting an average of 1,600 runners. The race, which takes runners on a 14-mile loop around Coniston water in the Lake District, is a community event, organised by a small committee from Coniston village. The race has been described by many as possibly the most beautiful road race in Britain due to the extensive views of the Cumbrian landscape.

Tim said: “I am enormously grateful to each and every person who sponsored me and donated to CancerCare – your money will make such an important difference to the lives of people in our area living with cancer and their families.”

After raising an amazing amount of over £3,000 including GiftAid for us, Tim popped into our Kendal centre to hand over a cheque to fundraiser Lisa and CEO Alison.

Alison added: “We are truly grateful to Tim for choosing CancerCare, and raising over £3,000 is incredible! As a local Charity we rely on community support as 93% of our income is fundraised. The money raised will help pay for over 80 counselling sessions from our centre in Kendal for those impacted by a cancer diagnosis or bereavement across the South Lakes area.”

Community fundraisers like this are really what make it possible for CancerCare to help and support so many people in our local community. If you have a fundraising event you are taking part in please email

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