Real Stories
16 November 2022

Jane's story

"I wanted to try something that would help my physical well-being"

Jane Dewhurst Quote
Real Stories
16 November 2022

After counselling, aromatherapy is our most popular form of complementary therapy. The combination of the physical relaxation of the massage and effects of the oils can have an incredibly positive effect on mind and body.

Jane Dewhurst from Kendal was diagnosed with breast cancer after she discovered a lump in her breast while on holiday with friends. On her return, Jane visited her GP and was sent for a mammogram, ultrasound scan and biopsy which confirmed her fears.

She underwent surgery a month later and while recovering, felt that a little extra support was needed. Jane had been told about CancerCare by the breast care nurses, so she got in touch and came in for an assessment.

“I had counselling through work so I wanted to try something that would help my physical well-being as I was having radiotherapy treatment which left me very tired and drained,” said Jane.

She opted for aromatherapy and was referred to our Kendal Centre for sessions with experienced aromatherapist Sandra Dacre.

“The sessions were fantastic and the oils Sandra used, along with the massage, left me feeling really energized or relaxed - depending on how I wanted to feel that day. I had also had to stop my Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and the massage really helped with my hot flushes. After all the treatment in hospital, it is great that CancerCare is a non-clinical environment which, for me, really enhanced the therapy I received,” Jane added.

Jane’s recovery is ongoing and she is taking things slowly, however, she recently began a phased return to her job as a midwifery educator at the Royal Lancaster Infirmary. Jane is also enjoying being part of the breast cancer survivors water sports group Paddlers for Life and walking her Spanish rescue dog, Pepe. She also plays a tenor horn in a local brass band which she also finds therapeutic.

For more information about aromatherapy, and all the other forms of therapy CancerCare offers people affected by cancer and bereavement, click the button below

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