Real Stories
05 July 2024

Cressida’s positive experience of scar tissue therapy

Real Stories
05 July 2024

As your body heals after an injury, scar tissue forms. Scar tissue is fibrotic and less mobile than pre-injury. Adhesions may form, sticking together layers under the skin.

RESTORE scar therapy is a non-invasive physical therapy developed to treat scar tissue, which can help stimulate the scar and the underlying tissue.

It can help reduce symptoms including pain, sensitivity, numbness, limited movement or tightness, pulling or puckering scar tissue or scar adhesions.

Our trained therapists use scar massage and fascial techniques and provide self-care advice for caring for your scar at home.

Though ideally a scar therapy appointment should be booked in the first 6-12 months after an injury or surgery (even if you are not experiencing any unwanted complications), it is never too late to benefit from the treatment. It is effective in older scars too.

Whilst the treatment won’t make a scar disappear, it can stimulate change to the scar tissue on the skin surface, and promote functional and cosmetic improvements.

Here are some pictures of Cressida, who had a partial thyroidectomy in early 2023 where she was found to have thyroid cancer.

As you can see from the images, the swelling above the scar reduced significantly through the sessions. The top images were taken in January, before any massage. The bottom images were taken in March, after ten sessions with a CancerCare therapist.

Cressida said that not only did the sessions help physically, it was also helpful to talk to someone about the scar: what it looked like, how it formed, and how it would evolve.

“Someone acknowledging that there is something that they can help with was nice. People want to be reassuring – “oh, I don’t notice it” – but I could see it. It was also very tight; that feeling of tightness has improved and become more comfortable. I think I am feeling a bit more confident – I’m definitely back to wearing and enjoying my big earrings!”

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