Real Stories
26 October 2022

Anna's Story

How aromatherapy helped banish exhausting nightmares following loss of her much-loved dad

Anna Driscoll slide
Real Stories
26 October 2022

The loss of a loved one, and the ensuing grief it unleashes, affects different people in many different ways.

Last year, Anna Driscoll lost her much loved dad Pat to cancer. His death triggered nightmares which made it impossible for her to sleep properly leaving her tired, upset and so stressed it made things difficult at her job.

Pat was a well-known figure in the town. A respected local tradesman who also played in a number of popular Kendal-based bands, and, when he died, it hit Anna hard.

“It was a really difficult time and looking back, returning to work a week afterwards was a big mistake as I hadn’t given myself enough time to grieve properly. I am the kind of person who just like to get stuck in and get on with things but that didn’t work,” said Anna.

Anna knew she needed some support and presumed that counselling would be the best option. However, after getting in touch and discussing her issues with an assessor, she was offered aromatherapy massage as a way of addressing her problems sleeping.

Her first session, with Sandra Dacre at our Kendal Centre, made an immediate impact.

“The nightmares stopped after the first day and as, they went on, I began to feel very relaxed and with zero stress. Sandra is great. We have a bit of a chin wag at the beginning where I tell her what’s been going on and how I am feeling so she can choose the oils to fit what’s been going on, whether that is an energy boost or something else,” said Anna.

Anna said she is now in a “much better place” and is looking forward to going back to her job in the planning office of local paper mill, in the coming weeks.

She also said that anyone going through something similar should seek help and keep an open mind as to what they might actually need.

“I would say just get in touch. The initial consultation is fantastic and helps you identify what is going on and look at the best way forward. I wouldn’t have even thought of having aromatherapy as a way of dealing with what I was going through but I am very glad I did, said Anna.”

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