Latest News
25 January 2022

Tomasz's Hero Workout

with weighted step-ups twice the height of Ben Nevis!

Tomasz slide
Latest News
25 January 2022

We love it when someone does a fundraising challenge we’ve never heard of before, and we have to admit, this is a completely new one on us!

Cross fit enthusiast Tomasz Gonet will be doing a special Hero Workout (WOD) at his gym, The Hive, in Lancaster.

From 7-11 February, Tomasz will be completing 1,000 box step ups every day using weighted vest, sand bags and dumbbells. When added up, this equals almost twice the height of Ben Nevis!

Tomasz is dedicating his challenge to the life and legacy of former Navy SEAL Chad Wilkinson, and to raise awareness about mental health and suicide prevention.
If you would like to find out more about the challenge and support Tom with a donation, here is his fundraising page

Just goes to show – whatever you are into, you can use it to help raise money for CancerCare!

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