Latest News
24 March 2022

Showcasing specialist children's therapy services

to UHMBT's lead bereavement expert

Lindsay slide
Latest News
24 March 2022

We had the pleasure of welcoming UHMBT Lead Bereavement Nurse Specialist Lindsay Anderson to our Slynedales Centre, this week.

Lindsay spent the afternoon talking to our Development & Engagement Officer Sarah and our Therapy Co-ordination Team about our expanding raft of children’s services including our professional, one-to-one children's counselling and Re-Fresh Young People's Peer Support Group - which next month launches a new group in Furness.

She was particularly keen to learn more about the peer support element to our young people’s services and how it can help with the myriad complexities young people can encounter during their teenage years.

Lindsay was also interested to hear about our community outreach services and the work we do going into local schools to help support children following the death of a fellow pupil.

Lindsay has been in post for nine years and over that time has referred many people into our services.

It was great to see her and further cement our position as experts in the field of children's therapy provision.

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