Latest News
29 March 2022

Re-Fresh Easter Activites

Peer Support Group gears up for a fortnight of fun!

Re Fresh Easter slide
Latest News
29 March 2022

Aged 12-17 and fancy a few laughs and a bit of fun this Easter!?

Our Re-Fresh Young People's Support Group have been busy booking the activities and trips for the school holidays, and they'll be doing loads of cool stuff from 5-14 April

So, if you (or anyone you know) are are dealing with issues around cancer or the death of a loved one, and could use a bit of a a laugh and a "time out" with an awesome group of people, please get in touch.

The activities include:

  • quad biking
  • horse riding
  • Blackpool Pleasure Beach/Sandcastle
  • pottery
  • bowling
  • cinema trip
  • Escape Rooms

All fully-funded, so won't cost you a penny. Email to find out more!

Have any questions?

No question is too small - if you need help just call. Our friendly team are here to help.