Latest News
18 August 2021

Pupils from Trumacar Primary School visit our Morecambe centre!

We ran a competition for students at the school, asking them to suggest names based on their favourite things about living in the Morecambe Area.

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Half Moon Bay Room 2680px x 1344px
Trumacar Group 3 2680px x 1344px
Seashells Room 2680px x 1344px
Trumacar Group 1 2680px x 1344px
Latest News
18 August 2021

Pupils from Trumacar Community Primary School have helped to name the therapy rooms at the new CancerCare centre on Northumberland Street, Morecambe. We ran a competition for students at the school, asking them to suggest names based on their favourite things about living in the Morecambe Area.

Engagement Officer, Sarah Drake said: “The rooms at our new Morecambe centre will be used for counselling, aromatherapy & CancerCare’s work with children & young people and they are really important spaces for the people we help as they cope with cancer or bereavement. We loved reading all the children’s entries and were impressed with how much they had thought about their suggestions."

A panel of staff from CancerCare selected four room names and invited the winners to officially open the therapy rooms at the centre with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.

The chosen names are as follows: Half Moon Bay (suggested by Tyler, Maddison, Della, Francesca, Chloe, Darcie & Ollie), Beach (suggested by Eva, Esmee & Kai), Cove (suggested by Kayden) and Seashells (suggested by Evie).

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