Since the year 2000, Project Linus has donated over half a million fabric quilts and knitted blankets to children in the UK. These quilts and blankets can be a source of comfort to children who may be distressed and in need of some physical reassurance.
We have received a wonderful donation of fabric quilts which our Children's therapists are able to give to children who are coming to CancerCare for support. The quilts are all individually handmade by volunteers and in Furness and South Lakeland, the project is co-ordinated by Jean Hoskins.
Jean distributes the blankets and quilts across South Cumbria to many different charities and organisations including Furness Carers, Action for Children, Children's Services, Furness General Hospital Children's Ward and the Special Care Baby Unit.
If you want to find out more about Project Linus and how you can help visit https://projectlinusuk.org.uk/
Pictured: Kim and Helen, CancerCare Children and Young People Therapists.