Latest News
12 July 2022

Jacob's "Wheely" BIG Challenge!

Jacob Walker PNG
Latest News
12 July 2022

This August Jacob Walker has set himself a BIG challenge to mark two years since he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. Ever since Jacob was diagnosed, he has wanted to do a fundraiser to help the hospitals and charities that helped him and his family during a difficult time.

Jacob was determined to do something to raise money for the hospitals and charities that helped him and his family during a tough couple of years, so, has set himself a goal of cycling 200 miles over 31 days alongside his mum, dad and nana - this is almost six and a half miles a day!

The overall total of money raised will be split between five different organisations including CancerCare. So far Jacob has raised an amazing £1,388 of his £5,000 target.

Cycling six and a half miles a day will be hugely challenging for Jacob, but with the support and encouragement from people around him, he wants to raise as much money possible for the hospitals and charities he holds close to his heart, to say a big thank you.

Click the button below to donate to Jacob's Just Giving page.

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