Over the last 12 months we have significantly increased the reach of our services across the region.
This heatmap, which show where our clients come from, illustrates how we have spread out into new areas beyond our traditional heartlands of Lancaster, Morecambe, Kendal and Barrow.
A number of new developments helped us do this. We began delivering new online and telephone services which do not rely on the client having to physically attend one of our centres. We opened new and improved facilities at Morecambe and Barrow and launched new Re-Fresh peer support group services in Cumbria, boosting our provision for young people.
Also, our fundraising, marketing and engagement teams have been working flat out with clinicians, partners and community groups across our patch to spread the word about what we do far and wide. While much of this work was prompted by the covid pandemic, it allies with our ultimate goal of helping as many people struggling to cope with cancer or grief as we can.
However, this all comes at a cost. It costs us £142,000 per month (projected running costs for 21/22) to run our centres, pay our therapists and provide the support our clients need.
No-one knows when they might need us and the vast majority of the money we need comes from ordinary people who see the huge value in what we do and want to ensure we are there in the future.