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20 November 2023

How Talking Therapy Enhances Quality of Life for Those Coping With Cancer

Guest blog by writer Hannah Walters

Latest News
20 November 2023

When a person is diagnosed with cancer, the journey can be a harrowing one that brings a rollercoaster of emotions. From physical pain to emotional distress, it presents many challenges. Shockingly, 52% of those who have or have had cancer feel there was adequate support for the physical impact, but not the emotional effects.

Talking therapy is a form of counselling where thoughts and feelings are discussed verbally, with a therapist or psychologist. There are different styles available to match the needs of each individual. At CancerCare, we’re here to help with every stage of the journey by offering complementary therapies and counselling. These services are also made available to loved ones and carers and we also provide bereavement support.

Anxiety and depression

A cancer diagnosis is undoubtedly one of the most traumatic events a person could experience. Causing fear, uncertainty, and distress. Research has shown that 3 in 10 cancer patients have experienced mental health issues and the impact of this can reduce quality of life. Seeking support for these feelings is key to learning management techniques.

Online therapy

At CancerCare, we can now deliver some therapies online. This not only helps us to reach further afield, but it’s also valuable for those who are struggling with physical symptoms and can’t attend in-person sessions. Online results are equal, or in some cases better, and can be great for people who prefer to remain in the comfort of their homes.

Switching to a positive mindset

Don’t worry if this feels impossible to begin with. Battling cancer can bring huge amounts of overwhelming and negative feelings. But, focusing on switching to a more positive mindset can considerably improve the quality of life. Talking therapy can help you pinpoint where to begin and help you categorise your feelings. It won’t happen overnight, but regular sessions will help you to learn techniques for reframing your thoughts.

Identifying values and important life aspects

By focusing on what’s important to you, it can help you to cope better, even in the midst of your cancer treatment. Talking therapies can help individuals to learn how to manage negative thoughts. Finding meaning and purpose in one's life can help when learning to develop effective coping strategies.

Should I seek therapy?

It’s normal to be uncertain or feel overwhelmed about whether or not to seek therapy. Talking therapy is an extremely common option for everyone, not just cancer patients and their families. Learning coping techniques on how to deal with the way you're thinking and feeling could be invaluable for your quality of life.

If you’re unsure but you’d like to know more, please email us at or call 03330 150 628.

Hannah Walters

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