Latest News
18 March 2022

Help inform cancer research

Take part in survey aiming to improve experience of cancer patients

Kristina slide
Latest News
18 March 2022

Dr Kristina Small (pictured) is working to produce resources and information for cancer patients, and their friends and family, to help them understand the basic science of how cancer treatments work.

She is looking primarily at radiotherapy, which was the focus of the PhD she recently completed at the University of Manchester, and she has produced some questionnaires to find out about people's experiences of the treatment and whether the science of radiotherapy - or other cancer treatments - is something that would be of interest.

Answers are completely confidential and anonymous and will help inform her research which could help improve the experiences of cancer patients and their loved ones.

Click below to take part and if you have any questions, or would like to discuss this with her further, email

Patients questionnaire -

Friends and Relatives questionnaire -

Have any questions?

No question is too small - if you need help just call. Our friendly team are here to help.