Latest News
29 June 2021

Demand for Services Increases

At the moment, we are witnessing a huge demand for CancerCare services.

News demand for services
Emma athersmith large
Latest News
29 June 2021

In terms of numbers of clients, April was our busiest month since January 2020 and, taking Lockdown out of the equation, we saw a 34 % increase compared to the same month in 2019 making this the busiest April we’ve ever had.

Can you help to make sure no-one in our community has to face cancer or bereavement alone by pledging a monthly donation? DONATE AT:

A monthly gift to CancerCare could directly help someone like Jayne Tamang from Windermere who has been receiving phone counselling from our counsellor Jude Gaddes.

Jayne was diagnosed with bowel cancer in October. She underwent surgery within two weeks and has since been receiving chemotherapy.

Shortly after, CancerCare got in touch with Jayne and she has been having fortnightly calls with Jude ever since.

“Jude’s support has been fantastic. She always fits her calls in with my hospital appointments and I always feel like I can talk to her about anything. She is always so positive and encouraging and her chats always give me a real morale boost,” said Jayne.
“I’m very lucky in that I have a strong support network of family and friends but Jude has very much been an important part of that. It is so important to be as healthy as you can, both physically and mentally, when you are going through chemotherapy.”

Jayne has two more sessions of chemotherapy and then, after period of recuperation, she hopes to resume her work as a massage therapist at Beauty & Soul in Windermere. When she returns, she is planning to hold a fundraising event to say thank you to CancerCare for support during her illness.

You can pledge a monthly donation to CancerCare at and help more local people like Jayne as they deal with the impact of cancer or loss.

Have any questions?

No question is too small - if you need help just call. Our friendly team are here to help.