Latest News
16 June 2022

Caring for their Community

3rd Heysham Rainbows Small Change Challenge fundraising success

Rainbows slide
Latest News
16 June 2022

If there was such thing as a "Being an Absolute Star for CancerCare" badge, we'd be dishing out dozens of them to the 3rd Heysham Rainbows!

The girls took part in our Small Change Challenge, collecting coins in special money boxes which, when counted up, added up to an amazing £133.

Kudos in particular to Grace who, by all accounts, did very well indeed by rooting about down the side of her dad's favourite chair! #sorrynotsorry dad!!!

Thank you all for taking part as part of your Community Badge and for thinking of us - it really shows what a caring group you are! Every penny will go to help adults and children in our communities coping with cancer and grief.

if you are part of a local community group and would like to get involved with this, or a similar challenge, please get in touch and we will provide you with everything you need.

Click here for more info

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