Latest News
05 August 2022

CancerCare sponsors Lancaster City player

Supporting fan-favourite and former client Paul Jarvis through 2022/3 season!

Paul J Slide
Latest News
05 August 2022

We are delighted to announce that we will be sponsoring Lancaster City FC player Paul Jarvis for the upcoming football season!

Paul is back playing for the club following his successful treatment for testicular cancer and we supported him during his recovery at our Slynedales Centre in Lancaster.

Paul said: “I used CancerCare for counselling after I had finished the treatment but whilst still awaiting scan results. It was helpful for both myself and my wife to have someone to talk to about everything we had been through. I also accessed their support regarding nutrition and diet, so helping both my mental and physical recovery post treatment.”

This is Paul’s third spell at the club – he has also played for Chorley and AFC Fylde – and he is a versatile player capable in a number of positions including on the wing, in midfield and at full back.

It is great to see Paul back to full fitness and wonderful to know that CancerCare has played a part in that. We’ll be following the Dolly Blues very keenly this season and wish Paul and the club all the best for the campaign!

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