Latest News
02 December 2021

Barrow Golf Club names us Charity of the Year

Captain meets Furness Fundraiser Heidi Bowron

Latest News
02 December 2021

Our Furness Community Fundraiser has been getting out and about making links and shouting about all the great work we do in Barrow and beyond.

Recently she met new captain of Barrow Golf Club Steve Trainer to thank him for choosing us as Charity of the Year which is especially exciting as next year is their Centenary Year.

Steve (pictured with Heidi) said: "I am delighted that, throughout the year, I will be raising funds for my Captain’s charity, CancerCare in Furness. I am thrilled to support the great work that they do offering support to local cancer sufferers and their families."

Thanks so much Steve, good luck for your captaincy and we are looking forward to visiting your beautiful course again during 2022.

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