Latest News
19 July 2022

Barriers to Palliative Care - we want to hear your views

Would you like to take part in a project designed to improve people's experience of palliative care?

Palliative Care Barriers JPS
Latest News
19 July 2022

A new special piece of research is being conducted by clinicians across the North West which aims to understand lived experiences, palliative care needs, family carers and expectations from palliative care in the region.

This project isn’t just end of live within cancer, anyone can participate if you feel you have some experience.

If you are interested and would like to take part in a group workshop at Lancaster University on Wednesday 27th July from 1-3pm and on Thursday 28th July from 2-4pm, contact Lesley Dunleavy at You can also take part online!

Have any questions?

No question is too small - if you need help just call. Our friendly team are here to help.